Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trick Or Treat!!!!!

Don’t you just love this time of year…. Leaves changing color and falling, creating a blanket of crunch under your feet.  Mums and pansies on porches in the tones of the earth—deep purples, rusty orange, and golden yellow.  Crisp bite in the air that meets you in the mornings and the evenings, and the sunlight during the fall seems to take on a more golden hue than usual.  Of course, then there’s pumpkins.  Pumpkin jack-o-lanterns, pumpkin lattes, cookies and cakes and brownies spiked with pumpkin and cinnamon.  It’s fantastic. And in and amongst all this glorious autumnal splendor, there’s the excitement of dressing up as someone completely different from who you are and going forth into the darkness to wield that identity for one evening, not knowing what you’ll encounter on your journey.

I hope you don’t mind my musings, but I just have to pay homage to one of our favorite seasons.  I’ll bring us back now to the subject at hand.  My fellow children of the night… we approach that most feared of all evenings…Halloween!!!  Halloween is one  of our favorite holidays, and as with most holidays, we have developed some standing traditions for the Tuesday Night Movie Nuts.  We always watch a variety of scary movies throughout the entire month of October—hauntings, slashers, psychopaths, demented personalities…  However, we always set aside one week to watch our all-time favorite Halloween movies.  This year, we held off and saved the best for last, watching these two cult classics right before Halloween.  As I reviewed these movies last year, I’m just going to give you all the link to that post so you can see what we love to watch every year to scare ourselves just a little.  It’s become a welcome tradition.  Check it out…..if you dare that is….

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